Duel Commander This Friday !? This Friday at 6pm will be Modern pack per win FN…
Duel Commander This Friday !?
This Friday at 6pm will be Modern pack per win FNM as well as we are introducing Duel Commander FNM at 11pm!
( link for duel commander https://www.mtgdc.info )
And as always there will be free casual commander for anyone on the side!
Followed this Saturday at 1pm with a $5 Pack per win Pauper event !
July 27th Saturday- Casual Commander All Day Play Event
July 28th Sunday – CEDH For a Raised Foil Sword of Wealth ans Power
August 17th Saturday – Commander Legends Battle for Baldurs Gate Draft Event
August 24th Saturday – Win a Secret Lair Here be Dragons!
September 21st Saturday – Take Action Quarterly Invitational
Details for all of these events can be found on the event page on Facebook on the Wotc Event Reporter
We hope to see lots people out here for some Magic and your chance to qualify for out next invitational !
Details for all our events can be found in our events page or on Companion app!