
Thanks to all our players that made it out for this last Friday’s FNMs despite t…

  • November 28, 2021
    Jonathon Brown

Thanks to all our players that made it out for this last Friday’s FNMs despite the holiday weekend.
This last week put Carmel Salinas in the lead for qualifying points with a total of 4 points. We also added another name to the list of Qualifiers with on Joel Ferris.

Next week is business as usual with Monday (11/29) the second week of our Take Action League.
With it only being the second week into Crimson Vow its not too late at all to jump in, and we’ve got plenty of pre-release kits for anyone that does want to jump in.

Tuesday (11/30) is week two of our Modern league. If you want some extra modern action through the week get on out here.

Wednesday (12/1) is of course Commander day, and we always have a great turnout.

Friday (12/3) is back to double modern at 6 and 10 p.m. We missed a week of coverage last week but will be back at it this Friday for sure so tune into twitch at

Saturday is 1:00 pm draft or just casual play, whatever people feel like, but magic is happening nonetheless.

We hope to see you out this week and hope everyone had a great time over the holiday weekend.